Tuesday, September 23, 2008

From dream to nations with the spirit of New

Snowboarding is my blog aged 1 year, that age is still very young. What if the man is aged 1 year and may learn a new way also learn to speak. Not ever be understood, yet still speaks fluent. Understanding the meaning and said it can not clearly understood.

Similarly my blog, is still far from perfect, yet have a clear direction will be taken and what the targets will be achieved, if only want to show off, or share a love or grief or just make a blog that does not gaptek said. I am unbelievably difficult to answer, although this should only It must be the answer. But .... Ah ... it, let other people rate and the only answer.
Starting from the taste was, was diusia towards dusk, and will retire from the civil servants and ditengah2 life of a metropolitan city that everything is measured by time and money. Trying to jump into the farmers to continue to feed the children and a beloved wife later retirement later. Only with his courage in what felt, what is done and what the experience is beside the hopes and dreams tried poured into the blog.

Next question, so I did this ... a farmer or a blogger? Ah .... They go to the meaning of the predicate is EGP, which clearly has passed 1 year, which is full of life with concern, has now had a new spirit in the age before the twilight berpacu to continue to seek knowledge, and knowledge and share experiences and draw from a friend who is in other parts of the world.

They said,
They make me understand,
They give the spirit,
They give directions,
They make my astonishment,
They create a compassionate, and
They create a laugh, also
They asked, and They share knowledge, then, ... ... ..
They are now a part of my life.
Thank you to my beloved friend who knows which is also my best friend is good at more, DetikInet, ForumKompas and in various other forums and mailing lists that have been shared with all my good luck Companions always accompany my all. Amen.
Sorry if less well in English, I make assisted by google translate
If you want to visit the Indonesian language http://blog.agroprima.com/?p=36
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Dari mimpi dan keprihatinan sampai dengan bangkitnya semangat Baru

Ultah Agroprima 1 thn

Genap sudah blog saya berusia 1 tahun, usia yang masih sangat muda. Apa bila disamakan dengan manusia yang berusia 1 tahun kira2 baru belajar jalan juga belajar bicara. Jangankan kalimatnya dapat dimengerti, bicaranya pun masih belum fasih. Pemahaman dan makna yang diucapkannya pun belum dapat difahami dengan jelas.

Demikian pula blog saya, masih jauh dari sempurna, belum mempunyai arah yang jelas akan dibawa kemana dan sasaran apa yang akan dicapai, apakah hanya ingin pamer, atau berbagi suka atau duka atau hanya sekedar latah untuk ramai2 ikutan membuat blog agar tidak dikatakan gaptek. Rasanya susah untuk saya jawab meskipun ini seharusnya hanya sayalah yang harus bisa menjawabnya. Tapi.... Ah... terserah, biarlah orang-orang lain saja yang menilai dan menjawabnya.
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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Anticipating Agribusiness in the Global Era

I do not have long to make the post accidental and are reading the book titled Agribusiness theory and application essay Dr. Soekartawi. In the last chapter there are some things that need to be for the want of trying in the field of agriculture in the global era. The same as what I read the official what I feel and a natural in running the business in the fields of agriculture, for example, flooding the products abroad in the land of water.

The things that need to be anticipated:

  • The importance of the mastery of technology and information.
  • Increasing number of key read in the agricultural sector
  • The increasing changes in consumer preferences
  • The price changes quickly
  • The small agricultural land Increasing awareness of health causes changes in the quality of agricultural products
  • Changes in climate/weather that is now starting unpredictable
  • Financing agricultural business that is expensive because of the high-cost economy

Sorry if less well in English, I make assisted by google translate If you want to visit the Indonesian language http://blog.agroprima.com/?p=29#more-29

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Antisipasi Usaha Agribisnis di Era Global

Sudah lama saya tidak buat posting dan kebetulan sedang membaca buku yang berjudul Agribisnis Teori dan Aplikasinya karangan Prof Dr. Soekartawi. Pada bab terakhir ada beberapa hal yang perlu dicermati bagi yang ingin berusaha di bidang pertanian di era sekarang/era global. Read more ........